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Weird request, but can anybody figure out what the hell the underlined text says? I'm manually recreating the cover for an obscure PS1 game, because the only image I could find of original version was so low res that it's basically unusable, but I can't properly do that if I can't even read the words in it. The game is called Timeless Math 2 - Maya, Observatory, if you're wondering.
That's the image I have. It's not good enough. Still cant read it
The black on white, I believe, says:
Todd and Mana are two school friends suddenly and mysteriously transported back to the ancient Maya civilization. In "Observatory," your child continues to help the characters return home by completeing mathematics and activities. Your child will solve fascinating puzzles with arrays, order the Maya number system, and order sequences and identify equivalent forms of fractions, decimals, and percentages.

For the white on blue:
Identify, match, and order fractions, decimals, and percentages
Use angular measurements to solve puzzles
Understand patterns in the Maya numbering system
Analyze graphs and charts to make decisions and solve problems
>Todd and Mana are two school friends suddenly and mysteriously transported back to the ancient Maya civilization. In "Observatory," your child continues to help the characters return home by completing mathematics activities. Your child will solve fascinating puzzles with arrays, order the Maya number system, and order, sequence and identify equivalent forms of fractions, decimals, and percentages.
>order the Maya number system
I teach prospective math teachers in college and I can assure you that the phrase "to order a number system" is meaningless
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Well, here it is. I know it's not an exact duplicate, but it's good enough for me. If I wanted to be hyper autistic about it, I can always go back and edit it some more.
"puzzles with arrays" -> "puzzles with angles"
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Thank you.
great work OP

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