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File: 1721941665294908.png (892 KB, 1105x792)
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892 KB PNG
Name all the anime in this pic. I know Evangelion and Lain.
is this list correct?
File: file.png (822 KB, 1832x636)
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822 KB PNG
You can crop the picture and then reverse search it.
Many reverse image search engines have an in-built crop function, like yandex here.
Ok, enough pedantry.
Clockwise, starting from the top left:
The Tatami Galaxy
Ergo Proxy
Haibane Renmei
Ghost in the Shell
Kaiba (pic related)
Welcome to the NHK
Angel's Egg
Serial Experiments Lain

Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Mostly, Punpun is incorrect (but also one of babby's first deep mangas)
Mushishi is also not on the image.
Some things are missing.
Otherwise pretty good.
lain sucks

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