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File: 11-1.jpg (272 KB, 960x1280)
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East asian girl 1 (wearing blue blouse) "pranks" east asian girl 2 (wearing pink blouse) by pointing a pistol at her own head and pretending she's about to commit suicide. East asian girl 2 seems really scared and sad about it. East asian girl 1 pulls the trigger and nothing happens, then she laughs and throws the pistol at the table she picked the pistol from. In the background there are two guys with suits and sunglasses simply standing there. They were in a setting similar to a casino, the table was green and everything around them was elegant, but they were the only people in the room. I put "pranks" in quotes because judging by the setting and the exaggerated reaction of the "pranked" girl, the whole thing is scripted.
Attached image is kind of similar to the video (in the sense that it has an east asian girl and a green table)

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