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I've tried everything. How do I get this to work?
Try resetting the remote, if it still doesn't work you might just need a new one.
Assuming you actually used good batteries and put them in the right way, disassemble. Check the rubber keypad mat and the topside of the circuit board for an oily substance. If present wipe it all off gently. That stuff blocks the keys from making a circuit and the firs sign it's there is having to press keys hard to make them work. Don't know if it's from the rubber or accumulated skin oil that leaks through. Don't rub the conductive coating off the back of the rubber mat.
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now what
now put it in rice
Hire a therapist to help with your anger issues, then suck it up and buy a new remote.
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i thought it was a mag and bullets and you were trying to off yourself

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