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File: Lonsdaleite.png (108 KB, 600x612)
108 KB
108 KB PNG
I'm trying to find the Voronoi cell of Lonsdaleite, but my computer is a PoS and can't compute/render it.
I'll post the raw point cloud coordinates here; have to split it to fit character limit.
First half of coordinates:
{{-3.78655680, 0.72872321, 0.25764256},
{-3.78655680, -0.72872321, 2.31878302},
{-3.78655680, 0.72872321, 1.80349790},
{-3.78655680, 0.72872321, 4.37992348},
{-3.78655680, 0.72872321, 5.92577882},
{-3.78655680, -0.72872321, 3.86463836},
{-2.52437120, 2.91489281, 0.25764256},
{-2.52437120, 1.45744639, 2.31878302},
{-2.52437120, 2.91489281, 1.80349790},
{-2.52437120, 2.91489281, 4.37992348},
{-2.52437120, 2.91489281, 5.92577882},
{-2.52437120, 1.45744639, 3.86463836},
{-1.26218560, 3.64361599, 2.31878302},
{-1.26218560, 3.64361599, 3.86463836},
{-2.52437120, -1.45744639, 0.25764256},
{-2.52437120, -2.91489281, 2.31878302},
{-2.52437120, -1.45744639, 1.80349790},
{-2.52437120, -1.45744639, 4.37992348},
{-2.52437120, -1.45744639, 5.92577882},
{-2.52437120, -2.91489281, 3.86463836},
{-1.26218560, 0.72872321, 0.25764256},
{-1.26218560, -0.72872321, 2.31878302},
{-1.26218560, 0.72872321, 1.80349790},
{-1.26218560, 0.72872321, 4.37992348},
{-1.26218560, 0.72872321, 5.92577882},
{-1.26218560, -0.72872321, 3.86463836},
{0.00000000, 2.91489281, 0.25764256},
{0.00000000, 1.45744639, 2.31878302},
{0.00000000, 2.91489281, 1.80349790},
{0.00000000, 2.91489281, 4.37992348},
{0.00000000, 2.91489281, 5.92577882},
{0.00000000, 1.45744639, 3.86463836},
Second half of coordinates:
{1.26218560, 3.64361599, 2.31878302},
{1.26218560, 3.64361599, 3.86463836},
{-1.26218560, -3.64361599, 0.25764256},
{-1.26218560, -3.64361599, 1.80349790},
{-1.26218560, -3.64361599, 4.37992348},
{-1.26218560, -3.64361599, 5.92577882},
{0.00000000, -1.45744639, 0.25764256},
{0.00000000, -2.91489281, 2.31878302},
{0.00000000, -1.45744639, 1.80349790},
{0.00000000, -1.45744639, 4.37992348},
{0.00000000, -1.45744639, 5.92577882},
{0.00000000, -2.91489281, 3.86463836},
{1.26218560, 0.72872321, 0.25764256},
{1.26218560, -0.72872321, 2.31878302},
{1.26218560, 0.72872321, 1.80349790},
{1.26218560, 0.72872321, 4.37992348},
{1.26218560, 0.72872321, 5.92577882},
{1.26218560, -0.72872321, 3.86463836},
{2.52437120, 2.91489281, 0.25764256},
{2.52437120, 1.45744639, 2.31878302},
{2.52437120, 2.91489281, 1.80349790},
{2.52437120, 2.91489281, 4.37992348},
{2.52437120, 2.91489281, 5.92577882},
{2.52437120, 1.45744639, 3.86463836},
{1.26218560, -3.64361599, 0.25764256},
{1.26218560, -3.64361599, 1.80349790},
{1.26218560, -3.64361599, 4.37992348},
{1.26218560, -3.64361599, 5.92577882},
{2.52437120, -1.45744639, 0.25764256},
{2.52437120, -2.91489281, 2.31878302},
{2.52437120, -1.45744639, 1.80349790},
{2.52437120, -1.45744639, 4.37992348},
{2.52437120, -1.45744639, 5.92577882},
{2.52437120, -2.91489281, 3.86463836},
{3.78655680, 0.72872321, 0.25764256},
{3.78655680, -0.72872321, 2.31878302},
{3.78655680, 0.72872321, 1.80349790},
{3.78655680, 0.72872321, 4.37992348},
{3.78655680, 0.72872321, 5.92577882},
{3.78655680, -0.72872321, 3.86463836}}
Post this shit on /sci/
They told me to bring it here.
4chan bureaucracy lol
VoronoiMesh crashes my kernel too for large 3D point clouds, maybe it just isn't that stable.
maybe ask lainchan for help
Stop necrobumping you dipshit asshole

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