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I need someone with an activated account in nyaa to contact a user https://nyaa.si/user/TardSubs so if he can seed https://nyaa.si/view/1407102 Please.
nyaa says there are 70 seeds on the torrent, are they not working?
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They arent apparently. I already started downloading, but hasnt moved from 0%
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TardSubs (TS) started appearing in 2015. TS was last seen on Nyaa in March 2024, but has been seen uploading new items elsewhere as recently as August 10, 2024.. Amazingly, TS has a "For Fans" homepage with links to facebook and elsewhere.

TS For Fans Homepage:

TardSubs admirable self-description of purpose:
Jsme TardS, překladatelská skupina zaměřující se převážně na vzácné drahokamy z hlubin všemožných animelistů. Že jste o většině těch anime neslyšeli? To je účel. It's too bad they don't have a seedbox or an account on BakaBT. Keeping rare gems seeded is one of the abilities of sites like BakaBT. If you do contact TS, tell them to see if they can get onto BakaBT for seeding by its loyal users.
This is the only other torrent I could find. The only difference is that it uses cbz archive format.
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>If you do contact TS
I will try, anon.
That torrent is also without seeds.
>Sorry, registration is currently disabled.
Why torrent sties do this anyway?
Visit ther IRC help channel location in the Rizon IRC server. Ask for access there and eventually someone may give you a brief interview. BakaBT went semi-private years ago due to the number of spoofing or fraudulent DMCA requests and the other headaches with having open registration available to assholes wanting to cause trouble. It is an old and high trust community since 2003 and they don't need that. Many members have been with them for a long time, and it's a place where even some hoarders may at time read forum posts and answer requests. That is rare enough because such people usually only answer principals from known groups and distro requests.
Do you have an account? Is it worth getting in? I'm not a fan of getting on circles-thing, plus I'm already way too casual with everything. One day they may delete my account cos inactivity lol
>Do you have an account?
I started with them when they were called BoxTorrents in 2003. When Box quit, he handed it over to his existing staff and they renamed it BakaBT as there was no longer anyone named "Box" there.

It specializes in having the best versions of items in their key formats and the archiving them with perpetual seeding. Torrents go through a curating process involving public review, comments, staff review, and usually some testing to make sure they aren't upscales. There is no need to archive rewrites or fakes. If the best original fansub video is 720p, then that is what is kept and not a 1080p upscale. If the best RIP are 1600 x 2400 pixel images for an artbook, then upscales are not allowed unless it was the value-added "decensored" version

BakaBT has video, artbooks, music, mainstream manga, and more. Are you looking for live-action versions of anime that are seeded unlike those on NYAA?

With all the anti-piracy efforts going on nowadays, I'm not surprised BakaBT turtled up.
Sounds great. Maybe Princess Mermaid isnt there, but I will try to git in for future stuff. Thanks.
It's also a nice site to browse and sort items because they have competent web design volunteers.
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Well, I asked yesterday and was ignored the whole day. I'm trying today again and be "patient." Maybe they aren't receiving more people?
Well, things are moving. Anon, will you invite me? Seems like I need a recommendation or going for an interview.
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>Seems like I need a recommendation or going for an interview.
Some people CREATE their own evidence that they aren't White Knghts, the fedz, or an asshole.
How do they do this?
One way is they login to NYAA or some other site such as e-hentai (which has lots of manga to be seeded or seedboxed). They take a screenshot and show that evidence to the private sites. The interviewer will probably then say, prove it was your account by posting a message in any public area they can read it which should be easy to do. Upon that verification, those people get in. I've gained access to private IRC and private sites in similar fashion showing how old my accounts are and how they are all strongly positive uploaders or seeders. Or that I was part of a ripper group long ago, but point to old records archived at the internet wayback machine so they see the account name whereupon I post something with that name where they can see it.
>Do your best to prove that you're worthy to join our group of "strong seeders"
No thanks, I will stay with nyaa.
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>No thanks, I will stay with nyaa.
Sure, it's not for you then. But that doesn't invalidate that OTHER people want to enter into alternatives not just from a desire to contribute as part of the quiet non-publicity-seeking infrastructure, but as insurance. There may come the big brother day when all the public alternatives have been censored out of existence. The demand to enter into a private network will be fierce and many such networks will simply not allow new members. Not just because they are doing well enough, but that many such new people are parasite leechers that are insincere about being good members. These leechers only applied out of their desire to take advantage of the private network because their normal sources of leeching had dried up.

It's better to join early than to wait until it's too late.
OP here. I must say that is amazing in a sense, but it is just TOO troublesome. In the first place bakabt doesnt even has what I am looking...
When you put it like that... well, I will give it a few thoughts later. I get the feeling of getting into privacy sites, but is also shitty.
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>There may come the big brother day when all the public alternatives have been censored out of existence.

They are starting to go after hentai image sites to try to put them out of business. The most recent was a sort of "testing the waters" lawsuit against nHentai. It is brought by Peter Payne's company JAST USA and is also associated with Peach Princess and G-Collections and J-LIST which Peter Payne also owns.

Eliminating all other competitors to his companies seems to be a recurring theme with Peter Payne's J-LIST and JAST import companies. Anything to make money.
>Eliminating all other competitors
It always has been a valid strategy since ancient times. The only reason to be mad about is cos they eliminate the free-ones.
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>The only reason to be mad about is cos they eliminate the free-ones.
If there is a reason why the great majority of private sites are invitation-only and don't even let their names be known, it is people like Peter Payne are always after them. It's also why no one that is a member of hoarding, archival, or distro recommend someone they don't personally know. I went thru that too, but was fortunate enough to have been active in fansubbing, ripping, and uploading to be recognized and get into a few very private sites. We're also careful to never find out any personal info about other members. It's so that if one of gets turned in a plea deal or is seized by court order, then the other members will know as soon as the account starts trying to find out info about the other users.

If the whole world had zero hoarders, zero distro, and zero media pirates, then JLIST and JAST would be able to sell regular manga, hentai items, and games to them.

In my opinion J-LIST and JAST fight dirty. They rewarded people who backstab and turn in information on the private sites before the lawsuit is filed. That includes making an account and then handing the account over so that they can use it to develop as big a list of the other users as possible so that they can be sued (more profit). In the 1990's, that included applying to the courts for an anti-defamation order to keep the convicted defendants quiet about telling others to beware of JLIST. It seems that Peter's kids running the ccompany haven't changed stripes and are still lawsuit minded as ever. Munching away site after site.
I bet he's jew, they work similar to chinises. Also, yeah, I did say valid, but isn't like I don't find it shitty. Instead of improving their quality as a company/brand, they rely on shitting on the others.
>they rely on shitting on the others.
It's a common belief that a monopoly is more profitable than if there is compeition from many sellers providing their product at zero cost (pirates). It's financially profitable to kill private sites distributing image galleries from JAST, Princess Peach, G-Collections, and J-LIST products. DMCA allows recovery of legal costs so it becomes a profitable approach when anti-defamation clauses are added to the settlement preventing the defendants from bad-mouthing or mentioning the court case. The fines and punitive damages make it profitable.

It's very important that private site members do not know or store info about each other because of this. The court cases will roll up on every principal member and seize their accounts. The knowledge gained from seized computers may then be used to access other sites to continue the prosecution process.

I feel that Peter Payne is one of the most litigious ones out there as he has been doing it since the early 1990's when he first created J-LIST. He's avoided negative publicity due to the anti-defamation court orders attached to the legal cases and that J-LIST has many fans (with well-paying jobs) that support that company. Due to the white knight problem, anyone that supports JLIST and JAST simply do not get admitted as members to any private site I know. Sleeping with the enemy is not a safe thing in a litagation world.
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if that's true, why are there jast and j18 banners on every gallery of their stuff on sadpanda? they could take those down easy
this sounds like schizo shit. if theres a million secret lawsuits over 30 years, why is this nhentai one the first one anybody knows about? why isn't this one secret? wheres the court records of the other ones?
>if that's true, why are there jast and j18 banners on every gallery of their stuff on sadpanda?
nta but maybe they arranged a consensus. sadpanda has been through a lot of shit. Two takedown so far as I remember.
>med status: none taken
t. j-listslave
heh they definitely have those

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