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File: 1726099149065282.jpg (291 KB, 971x1438)
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Does anyone know where this will be available once it releases?
What Is A Woman was released on The Wire's website or something for streaming. Assuming this does the same, it'll be available on your handy dandy torrenting website of choice within a week.
>What Is A Woman
I watched in Odysee. Now I checked and seems to be taken down. Sad. It wasn't anything new, but it was an honest documentary.
>downloaded torrent
>download directly
>eternal loading
Any suggestion? I feel like I should save this for the posterity.
It will take forever, but it will download eventually I think xD ty Good thing I have yt-dlp priory, didnt know it work for archive too.


Long thread is long. Watch out /pol/ is everywhere.
yt-dlp works for a lot of video-hosting websites. i used it for crunchyroll at one point
>Does anyone know where this will be available once it releases?
More stuff for the election fervor. One side is saying that if you don't vote for them, then you are racist. That is how it is promoted in my city's politics at city council meetings by the activists. They are always attacking anyone that doesn't give them what they want as racist.

I am not going to watch this movie. I assume it isn't going to say things like "Share your wealth or you're racist" like the activists are all about. But I am also not a fan of DEI hiring because people who cannot do the job shouldn't be hired just because activists demand Equity. Our company doesn't want lawsuit liability from products developed by incompetent people that cannot "finish" the job without corrupt shortcuts.
>I assume it isn't going to say things like "Share your wealth or you're racist"
I doubt it. Have you seen the clips? It's nothing like that
Have you seen the clips? Funnily enough it does say "share your wealth or youre racist" and they got Robin DeAngelo to give their black producer 30 bucks.
Savage response!
yeah that was funny lol
You just can't make this up lol A part of society has grown on the wrong direction.
The documentary does expose the hypocrisy of those using emotional logic as well as how they "prove" their point by trying to intimidate others by accusing them of racism.

Make sure you only drink chocolate milk. You don't want to be racist and prefer white milk.
It isn't that hard, but since is a documentary, it makes an stronger point I guess. There is a video around about a guy asking if kids should gets tattoos and if they should take hormones and castrate. People denied one and accepted the other for the exact same reasons.

old.bitchute interface allows you to dl direct
Does anyone have source for the movie?

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