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/wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

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Is my gpu failing... It's new rtx 3070... All games look like this... All new ones too...
Do a full uninstall and reinstall of your graphics driver.

Also, how many watts is your power supply? the RTX alone consumes up to 280W, so you need to have atleast a 650W psu.
What am I looking at?
Can't explain it but everything is fuzzy, there is mesh like texture on texture and overall the quality is bad.
All I see is fucking jpeg noise.
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Higher resolution. I do not know what causes it
>RTX 3060
Didnt you say your have a RTX 3070. On that GPU stress test software it shows as a 3060.
So which card do you have you retard.
Why are you calling me names, what's the solution here. Why is my graphic all kind of fuzzy, meshy, low quality
Do you actually have a 3060 or a 3070? You fucking just answered "Whatever" like it wasn't a relevant question. You have to know what card you have when you download the drivers. You probably have to do what someone suggested early which was uninstalling the current drivers and reinstalling new drivers. You probably still using your old Nvidia drivers from a previous graphics card.
Already done that with ddu uninstaller and have correct drivers. Next
Either way you are probably asking too much for a 3060 GPU.
Doubt I had 1050gtx and the graphic wasn't this fuzzy, meshy and low quality. The textures also flicker and spazz out. None of this happened on my 10 year old card.
Last option
I'm going to reinstall Windows, clean. Will report back if this solved this issue.
Nothing was fixed with reinstall of windows. I think my monitor is failing because I tested 3 graphic cards with same results. Textures still flicker and have weird mesh.
Have you configured your displays properly? Correct resolution, correct refresh rate, no scaling, set default settings for graphics setting in display control panel? Have you checked that the card is operating at the stated frequency when underload and not overheating? Have you cleaned your system of dust? I don't think blurry textures or bad lighting is a result of a failing GPU. That's more indicitive of improper settings. Failing GPU would be random crashes, dead or red or similar pixels on screen when under load, failing connection to the displays, that type of stuff. Your pictures don't really show anything that could help a person troubleshoot the issue. They look normal.
They look normal to you because of your screen resolution. Just played in settings and set dsr factor to 2.25x dl. This fixed the grainy, flickering, meshy textures. This is also why no one could see it but me.

So to fix this I needed higher resolution, which is in nvidia control panel. For someone who has similar problem.
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Comparison from no dsr to
god i hate you
yep, that looks like unreal slop with too much postprocessing
play tf2
The problem is that you sound like someone that has mental problems. You see little goblins chasing you nobody else sees. Also nobody thinks your GPU is failing which is the reason you made this thread.
No I did help you silly. I told you it was a software issue and you found a setting that apparently fixed the issue you were seeing. Your welcome, glad I could help.
>They look normal to you because of your screen resolution.
No I am looking at it on a very old Samsung phone. I saw the texture looked odd and suggested software problems, like the other anon who suggested driver issues.

I understand things like this can be frustrating but lashing out at others doesn't help. Sorry about your anger issues I hope you can overcome them. =)
>Ask a question
>Refuse to provide details
>Complain about not people not magically knowing the answer
You're retarded, aren't you?
I hope OP bricks his computer.
because its 4chan and people just say shit for no reason thinking it makes them edgy. new here?
game name?
kill yourself faggot
it could be DLSS that's causing it? some games have DLSS enabled in settings. If you want "native" resoultion rendering, then you have to disable DLSS

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