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/wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

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I managed to hack my way through a few other errors since I last posted, but with this one I wouldn't even know where to start. I certainly hope the next tutorial I find will be more focused on what can go wrong.
Specify the sizes of name and clas between [ ]

In C arrays in size HAVE to be knows at compile time, an empty [] is not allowed.
Depending on the compiler you CAN pass a varaible to an array (Varaible Length Array), but it cannot be empty. Use a define statement, e.g.

#define MAX_LEN_NAME 21
#define MAX_LEN_CLASS 41

char name[MAX_LEN_NAME];
cahr clas[MAX_LEN_CLASS];
char *name;

welcome to C
The tutorial dude had it empty. I've used a bunch of empty [] myself in previous exercises. But it doesn't matter, I added the size and it worked and I'm going to keep doing it like that I guess.
This gave me an error so yeah. What is * supposed to do?

I forgot the thank yous, so thank you.
* is just a pointer (which means that it's not "actually" storing the data, it's just pointing to the data. instead of storing 1000 characters in the struct, you would be storing 1 memory address)

when it comes to char, [] and * effectively achieve the same thing by turning the single char into a sequence of chars (otherwise known as a string) because the char* will point to the beginning of the string
Ok, thanks. I'll try to use it again when I'm more advanced.
Pointers are fundamental bro

The part I was stuck on here is structs. You might notice pointers are later in the video, onii-chan.
Pointers are fundamental and you need to know this concept as a beginner.
relax dude, he's going step by step. you dont start off with pointers if youre completely new to programming
born in a post python world
it is a luxury that you're able to say this
I suspect you don't know programming yet.
I suggest you do Harvard's CS50 course, it's for beginners. It actually teaches you programming using C (and other languages later on), like how you're supposed to think about the problem.

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