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Does anyone remember the name of this one creepypasta/nosleep story about how every year a person is chosen to be erased so every other human in the world suddenly knows where they are and rush there to kill and devour them, but the person also gained the memory of every other person that suffered this same fate and it went even as far as the stone age, does anyone remember this one?
After the person was killed everyone else would forget them as if the day and the person never existed.
To add more details to it. I remember the main character was in a ranch or some other far away place so he had time to think about it and he saw the memories of people who died before him, he saw how last year it was a girl, I think, that lived in the middle of a big city and barely had time to understand what was happening when her parents rushed her and started mauling her, he saw how they started destroying everything about her and dismantled her room and other people arrived to start eating her pictures and other things just to erase her completely, I think they started eating her body too.
I think he tried to see more people but I fully remember him talking about someone in the stone age, cold and scared in a cave without understanding what was going on.
It's not SCP-6096 but the mechanism is similar, I've been looking for things related to it because it might help finding it.
Boomp, sounds interesting.
Bumping. Might bump one last time before making a r*ddit account and asking on their nosleep and creepypasta forums

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