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/wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

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Good afternoon.

After fifteen years of exclusive "Windows 7" use, the one game I consider non-negotiable ("Rimworld") has begun to fail on my beloved OS.
Most of my Paradox games (especially "Crusader Kings III") have already died. I have over seven thousand hours in "Rimworld"! THE two most common Mods that are used in that game cannot run in W7 any longer, as their dual presence always causes "Rimworld" to fail, or even crash to the desktop.

Boy, I sure did try, though!

> Paid a man thirty RL dollars to try and fix my W7 RW problem
> Tried downloading a Linux installation as a Virtual Machine
> Downloaded, and re-downloaded, multiple NET Framework programs from M$
> Reinstalled and uninstalled everything several times
> Spent over a month trying to do everything I could to save myself from having to switch to a worse operating system

I know that it IS possible to "un-glow" "Windows 10" and remove the worst excesses of its anti-privacy stalking.

I hope that other people who see this might give me advice on removing the glowmen's stalking of my OS (e.g. privacy features, turning off key loggers), and have that advice preserved on here for the benefit of other users.

All good things come to an end. No OS will top "Windows 7", but after riding this runaway train to the end, it might finally be time to call it quits.

> Fitting music
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzzKBxlIiEQ

Does anyone here have advice on how to make W10 [I]bearable[/I]? How do I install it WITHOUT creating a Microsoft stalker account? How do I prevent mandatory updates from messing with stuff?

Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.

It was always worth it,
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(Years ago, as a precaution, I acquired a license for W10 back when it was free, so I have an update lined up as needed.)

(I cannot use "Windows XI" because of its atrocities. In addition to the "Trusted Platform Module" lock out and the "Bitlocker" bugs, W11 also has an always-on, permanent "quality assurance" that records everything you do. That's non-negotiable.)
I am going to recommend you Linux because you are clearly autistic, normal people don't do this. I have played Rimworld for hundreds of hours on Linux just fine on Steam, there's a native Linux version and if that somehow fails you can still run the Windows version through Proton.
Check out Linux Mint, it's a good starting point.
Also VM gaming, especially without PCI passthrough, is a shit idea and isn't representative of running it on bare metal.
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I am literally, LITERALLY too stupid to use Linux. I am also literally and formally diagnosed with autism.

> COMPTIA A-Plus certified computer repairman
> Networking Specialist Diploma at a trade school
> OVER twenty-five years of computer experience
> Lifetime of performing tech support
> Own a custom computer upgraded repeatedly

Now, get this.
> Failed every Linux exam I took
> Failed every Linux test in trade school
> Failed COMPTIA A-Plus Linux portion
> Scored so low on Linux in both college and COMPTIA that I would have failed both at the end if I had not aced everything else

I am LITERALLY too stupid to use Linux. I will never understand it.

I know. It was a desperate, last resort. I thought that Linux, given that its OS files are very small, could suffice to run the VM because my PC has thirty-two gigabytes of RAM.

Then I remembered I am too stupid to use it and can't connect to the Internet to get "Steam Proton" in the first place.
This is unhinged posting and I hope it isn't bot-generated, but assuming playing offline games is your only priority then it's not much trouble. You are already using a half broken system so it's not going to be worse.
CK3 should work too: https://www.protondb.com/app/1158310

Just install Linux Mint Cinnamon, log in to your installation, run the updater from the system tray, restart, open the driver manager and install the recommended driver if applicable and restart, then open the software manager and install Steam. Nothing hard there.
Obviously back up everything before trying this.

That's a non-starter. See my previous reply.

I want to un-glow "Windows 10" to the best of my ability. I can TRY to look through threads and videos, but I thought this would be easier.
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Why would you assume that a computer wrote this text? Some people are just too stupid to use an operating system built for old-timey mainframes forty years ago, even if it has everything you need and is vastly better to this day.
Use NTlite (free version) to customize the Windows 10 install iso. Disable all services you want off from the setup and tweak it to your liking. This is something like, everybody should be doing, but obviously nobody wants to do the work.

Install Comodo Firewall, only the firewall and be careful with that, the rest is cancer. This will block everything from the internet except what you want.

Install all your software and shit you want.

Lean to backup/restore from a backup image that way you do as least full installs as possible. I can go years easy like that.

Thank you so much! What is the difference between the free and paid versions of "NTlite"?

What services should I disable?

I already take daily back ups, so that's no problem.

(Also, the W10 I have in line is the "Education Edition", but it's not a license from my old trade school. I was given a permanent license thanks to my school's older software distribution system.)

Oh, and I should note: this will be an in-place upgrade on top of my W7. If I unplug my Internet connection in the process, can I still un-glow it?
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Well, I think the paid version allows you to remove more stuff. Some other stuff, but I have no need to strip Windows so much so I don't really know what else it offers. I'm good with the services mainly and tweaking.

I'll give you a tip if you want it and figure out the way to drop an activator in the iso so that it's automatically activated on install.

>What services should I disable?

Here's mine to make it simple. Try to copy it I guess or customize it.

>this will be an in-place upgrade on top of my W7.

Sounds like trouble and I won't be around. Good luck though.
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Thank you!
just use mint. you don't even need to use the command line these days with linux. your idea of what linux is came from a terminal programming course you took 20 years ago

if you need to do this weird ISO configuration and third party firewalls nobody has ever heard of whatever the fuck you'll need to deal with on mint to play rimworld is not going to be as bad. you crazy fucker.

but sure go and revel in your autism and make yourself suffer for no reason, if that's what satisfies you
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Godspeed anon.
I'm another autist too dumb to use Linux and too spiteful to upgrade past Windows 7. Starting to worry a little as my current install is nearly eight years old, and I'm warmly awaiting bsod hell when something finally breaks.
Which two mods are you talking about? I play Rimworld occasionally and nothing has yet broken.

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