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There's a movie I saw about 24 years ago, I think.
It's about a family that goes on vacation north, almost to Canada, and the kids make a movie about a native myth about bears.

Here's the order or events as I remember:

The dad worked at a photo developing place, and didn't like the job too much. He wanted to be a film maker.
His son meets his very weird friend, and they go home. The dad tells the kids about filming, shows them his old equipment, and then basically says "fick it, if you kids wanna make a movie, let's".
So the whole family (dad, son, younger daughter, mom) plus the kid's friend go north where they know people, and visit a place where a native works with bears.
So the native tells them a legend about "mother bear", and they film him narrating. Then they film bears, and they edit it so the narration goes over footage of bears.
Then they go back home, and show their movie to the community, and everyone loves it.

So, rings a bell?
There are some other details I remember, but I don't wanna make the post too long.

Interesting premise.
The novie looked how old?
May have been 80s, but more likely 90s or even very early 00s... So, sorry but I can't give an useful estimate.
But if I had to guess based on vibes alone, I'd say 90s.
They definetely didn't live past the digital revolution, and didn't seem to even be on the verge of it. The kids made their movie all on film, and the dad made a living developing photos.

Oh, and I remember a detail which cluld be useful! One of the characters was a narrator, and I'm pretty sure it was the dad. And at the end of their adverture, he goes "well, overworked dad, an adverture with his kids, they make a movie... that would make for a great film!"
So it's as if the character himself chose at the end to make the movie we just saw.
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Not the film you're thinking of, but if you can't find the one you're thinking of, check out Rushmore. It's a similar premise but the kid (who looks like chudjak) is obsessed with writing theater scripts and there are a bunch of crazy subplots
Oh, yeah!
I know that one. I had completely forgotten.
It's a good one.
Sounds like Wild America but with 20 years of other memories scrambling it.

No, that's not it. Wild America is much more action-packed (based on the trailer), the boys are older (except for the youngest kid), and in the one I saw there are only two boys and a girl.
And they didn't film that many wild animals.
.bump .
The Bear (1998) ?
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Nope. No, no, nope.
Not even close. Cute short animated movie, though.

Wild America?
No, but that movie Is gonna meses up the search for as long as it lasts.

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