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I'm looking for the artist/source of two images, I'm a VTuber possibly looking to commission a model if the artists are open to it. The second image may be NSFW but I'm more interested in the artist than the particular image, they were both posted on 4chan.

I've tried reverse image searching both images and found nothing.

Similar sketchy looking/styled artists would also be nice.
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The second image.
Here's the second image dipshit I just googled it https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9380086
Weird, didn't work when I tried. Thanks a ton!
>I just googled it
Yeah, that's a Google problem not a (You) problem. Google provides unique results to everyone, meaning it often skips important results. Thankfully >>1495509 spit up the result instead of just insulting you
I had no idea, kind of strange that it does that. Thank you for informing me.
NTA but define "just googled it". Because I too just put that image through Google Lens and got nothing.
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yeah not with images
why just lie?
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If you use Google's old image search, you get >>1496652
If you use Google Lens, you get >>1496678

If you have 4chanX, put these lines into the Sauce settings so you'll be able to use both methods of image searching.
That's just search types, Google further filters results based on who it thinks you are
Couldn't find that pic, but I'm quite positive that the artist is this https://x.com/tktktktknoko/media

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