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how do I get neetbux in the US? by any means necessary. I can't handle the wagey cagey anymore. I heard some people say you need to go find a shady doctor to give you a note but IDK where to find one.
I just want out of this fucking nightmare man I don't care about being poor so long as I have my free time back to myself.
I'm willing to scam the system the scams me with this retarded bullshit 8 to 6 + 2 hour commute nightmare torture.
also what is pic rel from?
>Neetbux in the US
Too hard. I tried getting foodstamps while I was unemployed and only received 20 a month.

Maybe consider getting a new job? Either way it seems you are at some breaking point. Just don't do anything that might get you fired. Its worse trying to apply to jobs when you have 0 work references.
damn that sucks
there's gotta be a way to fraud it or something
somehow everyone I know is on ssdi for anxiety or something and they are perfectly healthy and sociable
I hate being retarded autist I can't figure anything out to game the system like normiefaggots can do so effortlessly
if I can't get neetbux, are there at least any easy remote jobs I could get? I can't seem to find anything remote above min wage.
Do you have any disabilities or medical conditions? I get almost $2,000 a month. I've been diagnosed autistic and bipolar though.
Are you black and/or morbidly obese?
I'm almost 100% certain I've got some mental shit with me. I talk to myself constantly, flap my arms, daydream involuntarily and constantly have to be biting down on my fingers or chew on something to avoid random verbal outbursts. 9 hours in the wagey cagey leave me with bite marks all over my hands.
I can't remember anything more than 2 hours and my coworkers constantly give me shit about it.
aspergers autism ADHD schizo shit i guess
forgot to add I m not sure how I can convince a doctor to diagnose me with anything cuz they're mostly boomers who think having a job means you're not mentally ill.
could you give some tips on how you got diagnosed?
I'm willing to do anything for 2k a month that's incredible honestly.
Okay, I'm sorry to hear that, but what I meant is have you been diagnosed with anything?
Sorry, I forgot to respond to your second post. You should go to a therapist first and tell them how these behaviors and thoughts and feelings are impacting your life. And then go to a GP after you go to a therapist and sign the consent forms for them to talk to each other. You're probably going to need to be put on some medications, but if you can get a therapist to talk to your doctor, Then your doctor will almost certainly be on your side and fill out the necessary paperwork if you provide it to him. You should know, though, that initially you'll probably be denied and you may need to get a lawyer to push it through.
thanks very much I appreciate it
although I could become obese if necessary
whatever it takes to escape the wagey cagey
easy enough to fake if you're willing to forfeit your 2nd amendment rights
how do I fake it?
You can't. That guy doesn't know what he's talking about.
google schizophrenia symptoms.
go to health clinic tell doctor you have these symptoms.
Like I said, you have no idea what you are talking about
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what now?
is there a place I can ask about how to conveniently delete my own minecraft account?
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Here are some minecraft account deletion statistics.
>explosives has lowest agony rating
hmm I think I'll keep trying for neetbux then...
minecraft is such a shit game...
I'm desperate
also co-workers called me weird again.
Kinda hard to prove you are not capable of working when you have been able to hold a job for a while.
Does anyone have tips on how to get a decent remote job? That seems like my only other out at this point.
Just be aware of scam job postings that target people looking for remote jobs. Make sure you are able to get good references. People that can vouch that you are a hard working person, it can be co-workers. I think they tend to ask this since you are typically working on your own and they want someone that is always on the ball of things. You probably want to start as a seasonal worker or a temp. Learn from your falls. Dont be afraid to do interviews. Think of them as training. Interviews typically involve zoom or Microsoft team interviews. Maybe talk to someone that is good at doing interviews for advice.

I'm also looking for a job. I have a hard time doing interviews. I've worked retail for several years and I am tired of it. I would get a degree but I feel I am getting too old to go back to school. I have some half assed degree in Criminal Justice.

I just recently got a temp job at a warehouse and I feel it was a big mistake. The job is more labor intensive than I had in mind. I think with time I might get used to it. Its just been a few days for me. It might just be out of breath because I'm not used to so much upper body exercise. I just mainly do aerobic exercise on a bike.

Sorry I had to vent. Sometimes I feel like I'm alone.
is there a place to get fake references? I have nobody unfortunately.
They don't always ask for that but I remember having to quit the application once they started asking those questions. I think if you don't have anyone you can try family members like a cousin, uncle etc.
why isn't a certain sodium compound on there?
still desperately looking for anything related to thread
how does one obtain the sodium nitride treasure in minecraft?
where can I buy pure safe sodium nitride?
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bros please ...
bros I need either
1. a way to fraud neetbux
2. where I can purchase the sodium nitride treasure block in minecraft.
I don't know what neetbux are, but i hope someone manages to tell you how to get them at some point.

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