Can anyone make my shoulders enormously broad and bulky like an NFL linebacker?
>broad and bulky like an NFL linebacker????
>>14988023rd time you've made this thread, and you got shops on the 1st thread. Fuck off
>>1498837Anon, it was clearly a troll response. Somebody stretched the image in Microsoft paint which takes about two seconds. Use your intelligence.
>>1499024Can you give a reference? Maybe even the same angle? >t. European
>>1499506It is really just a figure of speech, for example, the woman in this picture may be said to have "linebacker shoulders" because they are so big.
>>1498802Just do their PT.
>>1499597that is not an attractive woman
>>1498802>Can anyone make my shoulders enormously broad and bulkyYou can always look for female Warhammer spacemarines.