So about one month ago, around 2-3 am, I thought about worldbuilding. And so I compiled all the weird, slightly copyright-infringing ideas and files I've written so far into one, singular big file. 12,670 words, 85,163 characters. Now I ask you, anons, to tell me your honest to God opinions on it.Critism, questions, anything, I want to make this project as good as possible without it sounding like something from AO3.Also, formatting might be slightly whack. I used, then combined all markdown files into one, then converted that single markdown into a pdf. And there may be some elements down the file that seem to be missing some elaboration, but do not fret, for the basic outline is present, and I plan to work on this project until the total word count reaches twice the Bible.
>>1499253I remember another anon in a previous thread of yours said that nobody is going to care about your worldbuilding if you're not going to make a story set in it and I agree with him
>>1499276Different anon, Anon, but still, I kinda agree