Does anyknowne know any techniques or moves to break free from this kind of hold?Or what board is best for asking this? /fit/ is full of pussies and /sp/ doesn't do sports at all. There used to be /asp/ but it's gone, it seems
>>1499539At that point it looks useless First of chin to chest then i would try to get my hand between the upper leg and my throat but thats just to stop choking meanwhile the opponent has my whole arm to bend and break If he didnt break anything at that time around and its possible, which it probably wont be, a kind of backroll to get Into a better Position Maybe a kick to the head, but its all happening in seconds so its of no use talking about ittrain to defend it or loseIts that simple
>>1499539>Does anyknowne know any techniques or moves to break free from this kind of hold?Keep your fly down at all timesFlick your penis in her directionPiss into her face
pinch her assif they're playing dirty than you should too
>There used to be /asp/ but it's gone, it seemsit's >>>/xs/ now
>>1499539There isn't really a way to get out of that. If it were a grappling match, at that point you would tap out.
>>1499539go clamdigging
>>1499539take her shoes off and tickle her feet
>>1499733>it smells like cheese!