I am looking for an MS Paint comic where a black guy is reading about slavery and imagines a blond dommy mommy degrading him. He gets a GF hoping to achieve this but she is 100% on white guilt and cries about how full of regret she is, and he looks all disappointed.
>>1500006See >>1499254
>>1500006/Wsr/ can be a cool place. But at this point, I think we should just nuke the entire thing. Or have a sticky with commonly asked questions so that we don't get 3 trillion threads asking the same thing. Even worse is the thread asking for this exact same thing is still up and isn't even that far back in the catalogue. At this point, maybe people don't deserve a board to get help since they waste it on "how do I download it videos?" And "who's this """girl"""?" Threads
>>1500013The concept of a request board just doesn't fit the style of 4chan. Threads shouldn't die
>>1500013>Or have a sticky with commonly asked questionsthe people who ask those questions don't read sticky threads
>>1500013Not before they delete /mu/ considering >>>/mu/kpop/
>>1500013Cry harder faggot, it entertains me
>>1500013how do I draw?
>>1500019Once that happens, then they can get banned.>>1500029To see people posting the same worthless threads over and over again? You're easily entertained.>>1500031Many such anons
>>1500036>then they can get banned.Janny applications were last week. If you're here everyday and care so hard, why aren't you an unpaid janny right now?
>>1500012>>1500013OP here, i apologize, didn't read the catalog. honestly, I didn't even think someone else would be asking for that comic too
>>1500072Duh, who would read the entire catalog before throwing in their simple request?>>1 doesn't even suggest anyone do that, it suggests the opposite. So you did nothing wrong
>>1500049No thank you :)