What is the best argument for debunking lolicon being pedophilia?
The best argument against that argument is to point out the fact that in order to make it one has to expand and even twist the definition of "pedophilia", to such degree that if valid, then the definition itself would cover activities and interest beyond what could be harmful. At that point, any objection would be a matter of taste, and taste is subjective and ultimately doesn't matter.So, if they're gonna argue that "lolicon is pedophilia" they're expanding the definition beyond what could ve useful, and diminishing the meaning of it, unironically making it unsafer for children because the definition of something that may harm them has been watered down.Ultimately, it's just art, protected by every single sensible application of freedom of expression.
How many times are you going to make this thread?
>>1500071This.I'm having déjà vu here.
>>1500089What is this?
It's a link to the anime Comical Psychosomatic Medicine Episode 2 ""In What Point is Lolicon a Sickness?" where they explain the differences between lolicon and pedophilla.
"who cares, its not hurting anyone"maybe its "pedophilia" in some sense but the reason real pedophilia is bad, the raped/traumatized kids, doesn't apply to it
just reply "i don't care". it's impossible to deboonk
>>1500064OP is a pedo seeking approval to further go down the spiral of depravity and no control. Hes from Australia.
>>1500261>OP is a pedo seeking approval to further go down the spiral of depravityThat's a horrible thing to say about someone else, specially without evidence.>Hes from AustraliaThat's even worse!
>>1500064Unfortunately, I have found no matter what evidence, personal experience with therapists saying it's fine, etc that you offer, it's impossible to change their minds. Even worse is a lot of them are actually pedos but try to hide that by being outspoken against loli/shota.