Hi, I have been a console gamer for most of my life. I got a PC like 2 years ago and only recently started playing games on it. I play mainly modded Fallout and modded Star Wars Battlefront 2 2005. So far from Steam I have also got Half Life, Black Mesa, and The Orange Box for Half Life 2 and TF2 trolling. My main point with telling these games is that I play all of these because they are PC experiences. I have a Series X (I regret buying it) with a bunch of games. I now want some games on my PC that I can either mod a shit ton with relative ease or games that are PC experiences.Any recommendations for when the Steam Sale happens?
>>1500344any Bethesda game. and Garry's mod perhapsand bannerlord warband
>>1500348What are some games that run best on PC and are exclusive to PC whilst on console they run like crap?
>>1500344HL2:DM is free>>1500348What he said. Seriously...>>1500374Most games. There are tons of workarounds available on PC performance-wise.Also, do not discount emulation. Deep customization there, especially so if you consider romhacks. Sky is the limit. Glad you made it out of the walled garden. Welcome.
>>1500383Correction: HL2 is $0.99 USD until Friday and should come with HL2:DM
>>1500344Factorio, but it doesn't seem like you're into that.
>>1500344>I now want some games on my PC that I can either mod a shit ton with relative ease Minecraft. >or games that are PC experiences.Counter-strike 2.Gold source and source games: there are a ton of them. I recommend Cry of Fear if you're into horror games. The original insurgency is good and people say the sequel is good too. Killing floor. Left 4 Dead 2 (it comes with the first one).