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Basically, using my normal, naked IP, it doesn't find any seeders. If I use a VPN, it finds them instantly and the torrent starts.
Oddly enough, it seems that the torrent still downloads without a VPN, but it takes HOURS just to start.
Anyone know what may cause it? I'm using qBittorrent 4.5.5
>Oddly enough, it seems that the torrent still downloads without a VPN, but it takes HOURS just to start.
On top of that, download speeds are never as good as when the VPN's on
test the speed of your connection in general
test the speed of torrenting by downloading a popular torrent like a linux iso

port forward
File: firefox_QvvyRDHD6o.png (7 KB, 319x105)
7 KB
>test the speed of your connection in general
picrel. I get 1mbps less with the VPN enabled but that's probably within margin of error
>test the speed of torrenting by downloading a popular torrent like a linux iso
I couldn't even get the metadata without the VPN, and I get my full speed with a VPN

>port forward
maybe a misconfigured torrent client, dont know
turn off vpn, and make sure to turn it off in qbit settings, and then port forward the qbit port at your router, look up a guide
>port forward
Googled a qbittorrent guide that launched off saying you should use a VPN, lol. That's just shilling
What network interface do you have in settings?
Uh...TCP? Is that it? TCP and μTP.

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