On page 15 of "Brassey's Guide to War Films" by Alun Evans, it mentions a film titled "The Attack Lasted Five Days," a Chinese-Japanese co-production from 1977 directed by "Ting Shan-Si", starring "Kuo Chuan," "Hsiung" and "Lin Chin Hsia."I can't find fucking ANYTHING about it, and obviously the Chinese names for the director and actors are all butchered, so I can't find them on imdb, either. Closest I can find to the director is a Shan-Hsi Ting, but he has no films from 1977,https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0788243/The film is strange since you don't typically see Chinese and Japan collaborating on Second Sino-Japanese War films. If anyone could find the name of the film or actors involved in Mandarin or something, it'd help immensely. I just want to see that it exists at the least.I'd definitely massively appreciate it if anywhere finds where it can be watched.
>>1502681>>1502682Thank you kindly.