One of my friends has a birthday coming up, so I wanted to make him a joke image that would give him a stroke. It's a pretty shrimple request, I just want to add more female characters that could be considered autistic.
>>1502974does gachashit count?
>>1502977Yeah, I'll take it.
>>1502974Catherine from SOMA
Cameron from T:TSCC
>>1502979catherine isn't autistic doe, she was just emotionally abused as a child. her whole "muh i feel more like myself in this robot body than i ever did as a human" shtick is just a reference to depersonalization (common in emotionally abused people). in other words you're WRONG! >:)
>>1503026Maybe she was abused because she's autistic.
Thanks for the suggestions, guys. This is what I currently have.
>>1503054Can't go wrong with smug autism.
>>1502974not a well known movie but I believe the character is literally autistic
>>1503026Thank you for explaining