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File: 220px-Historie_vol._1.png (130 KB, 220x322)
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Just marathoned this. What should i read next? I also marathoned Reiri by the same author and also loved it.
Other manga i love is vagabond. Tried reading berserk and didnt like it.
Ad Astra: Scipio to Hannibal
The Ravages of Time
What did you like so much about it? Do recs need to be seinen? Do you want something complete or ongoing?
>What did you like so much about it?
hmm i guess i liked the history aspect. Its nice to learn history through reading manga.
>Do recs need to be seinen?
i think i would prefer that yes but i might be okay if they arent. But im old(er) so i think i would prefer something more serious and not too child like.
>Do you want something complete or ongoing?
either would be fine
All good suggestions here>>1503420
You can also try nobunaga no chef, otoyomegatari, and while more absurd, golden kamui.
Idk I've been thinking about this myself. I feel like Historie and Ad Astra Scipio to Hannibal are the grown-up brothers to Hunter X Hunter and Getbackers as far as pushing the demographics go between Seinen and Shounen.

You might want to find something that's more than entertaining and engaging than something history related. The only other character-driven manga that I think can compare are Over Rev, Usogui, and The Bugle Call. But it's only just a hunch.

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