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Any anime to relive the feelings when you first got into anime and watched Sword Art Online S1? I was so immersed into it and it was such a unique set of emotions.
In those moments - I was Kirito.

After later looking down on the isekai genre I wish to return to it because I now understand its value and I want to apologize to all isekai fans. Already watched the two SAO Progressive movies and enjoyed them, but I'm not too interested in the other seasons of SAO.
>I was so immersed into it and it was such a unique set of emotions.
>In those moments - I was Kirito
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What does that... mean?
I liked Knights & Magic, Overlord, Re:Zero, and Youjo Senki, as an edgelord mechafag
There are also Escaflowne (TV) (very recommended) and Dunbine (acquired taste, I didn't like it personally) if you want rather classic isekai

Also try Accel World from the same writer as SAO, although it's only half isekai, but it felt like it emphasized on the cool parts of SAO more
Take drugs, enjoy anime
You're missing out on the other high points of the series then, the Mother's Rosario arc and Alicization.
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Thank you anon.

Sorry I try to immerse myself in the Japanese mindset and drugs are illegal and degenerate to culture.

Turns out I watched S2 too actually, I did enjoy it at the time but Aincrad was just something too special to me. Do the other seasons have a similar feel?
nta but Alicisation is almost better to me. Just turn off every light, put some headphones and watch it.
sword art online abridged on youtube(after a few days/weeks to process the original if you saw it very recently)
It's really good, I'm about halfway through the sequel, Underworld and that's good too.
Don't get me wrong, the original SAO anime is dogshit due to the pacing and asspulls but this whole part is arguably SAO at its best. It's much gorier and darker, which might sound edgy (it probably is) but it just has a very different feel from the rest. And Kirito stops being as much of a Gary Stu for once which is refreshing.
Also Alice is love.
any isekai like games?
The slime isekai

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