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File: the-fable-vol-22-pg-1.jpg (374 KB, 1418x2036)
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is there a better manga out there? i dont think ive read one better.
Boku no Pico
what makes it good?
>is there a better manga out there?
Sometimes, you might like manga that are re-told in a visual video method.
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Oh man its difficult to say you know. It just connects to me on some level. Ive read mangas that i love before but this is different. I instantly want to reread it right after i finish it. And now that im almost through my second reread, i still want to read it again. Ive never felt this way about a manga before.
When the manga was coming towards to the end, i actually felt sad you know. I looked back and its almost like i know the places and the people there. It felt real. So after some digging, it turned out the places and people in the manga were based on real stuff in real life. No wonder it all felt so life like.
I guess its also because im lonely in real life that this manga spoke to me so much. The main characters are also lonely and sort of autistic people. But you dont have to be lonely to enjoy it haha. Ive talked with (normal-ish) people that love it as much as me. So yeah give it a try if you havent.
>is there a better manga out there?

There are ways to find out if you can find another manga that you like just as much.


One way to search is to go to mangaupdates. Then find all the category labels and tags for "The Fable" and enter those in the advanced search tool at that site. See what other manga appear.

Another way is to once again use mangaupdates but only enter the same set of genre tags to see what comes up.

Mangaupdates also has a suggestions listing of similar stories under "Category Recommendations"

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