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>is a short youtube animation that was recommended like 6 months ago, probably made this same year
>set in rural America, obviously inspired by The Colour Out of Space. Has a lot of gore and body horror, but what stands out the most is the use of desaturated colors and complementaries
>it starts at a rural house at night, where a meteorite falls just in front, then a monster emerges and takes the skin of a guy and kills the family
>this monster goes to a town and cause havoc and kills everyone there
>at the end the monster turns into an antenna or something
>there's a weird subplot happening at the same time and is the most memorable thing of this animation, where the first guy this monster kills is in an elevator to what we assume is hell and when he finally reaches its destination the monster is there too.
>there's also a hellstar remina reference
Sentry for interest.
bump for interest
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Bumping bumping bumping
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Can't have a search on Youtube with meteor and animation in the same line or you get those stupid "oh no guys the moon is hitting the earth," type videos. Really going to need some more specific details if you want this found. What was the animation style, how long was it exactly, literally any detail you can remember so I have something to put into the search bar without getting braindead horror content fresh from Delhi.

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