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File: dogshit gay comic.png (222 KB, 612x348)
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I'm looking for meme edit of a sophie/assignedmale comic where a guys yells
and then the tranny character says
>"YOU. DON'T."
and then a KKK guys interrupts by yelling
and shooting lasers out of his eyes and then the tranny character screams for like 30 seconds before turning into ash
I had it saved in a YouTube playlist but I think it was removed

pic related is not the exact comic that was edited but it's form the same author
Ohh wow so edgy!
Just scroll on iFunny for long enough and you'll find it reposted a dozen times. I know exactly what you're talking about, but don't have the video saved unfortunately.
File: IMG_9836.jpg (114 KB, 624x834)
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114 KB JPG
Never seen the meme in video form, but I have the photo
Thanks I found it:

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