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hi bots,
i want to replace my 1080p monitor with a 2k 144hz or more monitor under or about 300 dollars
also please a monitor that could look fine in an office, not some bright radioactive red gaming monitor
thank you :)
Stop calling 2560x1440 2K.
If 4K is 3840x2160, then 2K is 1920x1080.
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I'm confused as to whether you're trying to retort or support that 2K =/= 1440p.
If it's the former, please click on the 2K and 1440p links.
>a monitor that could look fine in an office

Office monitors are perfectly fine with a matte finish. But the smooth shiny finish screens have the best video if you alwo watch bluray movies on the same monitor.
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>Office monitors are perfectly fine with a matte finish
For small screens of 27 inch and smaller, I prefer smooth instead of matte. The colors pop and fine colored lines show better. For bigger screens, shiny vs matte doesn't matter as much. It's for small screens that it matters as the matte interferes more with the tiny pixels unlike with the huge pixels on a big screen.
There are lots of budget monitors under $300 that satisfy OP's needs. In fact, there is even a $159 monitor that does it and it is from a brand whose warranty includes no white spots for one year. None of my monitors has dark pixels or white ones, but the permanent white pixels ones are the worst. On cheap monitors or cheap mailorder companies with bad return policies, you're stuck if you have 3 or less white pixels. Normally, whites only appear with refurbs and repair screen replacements and that's where you get confronted by the unwelcome warranty terms forcing you to accept.

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