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I missed the last Steam sale for Forza Horizon 4 before it was delisted and I'm completely lost as to where else I could find a key for sale at a fair price. Help me out /wsr/, what are legit sites that sell keys? ebay sells some but I dunno, Epic and GOG just delisted FH4 too. I'm looking at a site called Eneba but I don't quite understand how does it even work, like are they selling directly or is it 3rd party? is it safe? does anyone here have experience with this type of sites?
CDkeys dot com works great, especially if it's been a while since the release of the game.
I've used e, a few times and haven't been disappointed.
Also I'm sure steam will have another post-xmas sale.
used em**
i have previously bought some keys from g2a and kinguin
its not a steam key, but try gog - games dot to
>Also I'm sure steam will have another post-xmas sale.
not op but i think hes talking about the game not being available for purchase through official channels anymore

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