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My Alienware m17 R2 laptop has been freezing when waking up from sleep mode, when shutting down, and when rebooting. The lights stay on, fans are going, but the screen is black and pc is unresponsive.

I installed Linux, it removed the shutdown/reboot freezes. There was a dmesg error about Tobii eye tracker so I ripped it out and this was a tremendous help. I'm now down to maybe 1 sleep mode freeze per week. But alas, that still means there's something wrong.
Here's the latest dmesg after a successful wakeup. (I cant document the crashes)
The bluetooth thing is probably trivial.
fix it anons
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hey i think I remember your previous thread. it's weird as shit and honestly I've got absolutely no idea what's going on.
it could be ram, motherboard, cpu, ssd, anything.
is it new? contact vendor and claim warranty. gather some logs and slap them in the face. my previous laptop did something similar, on windows it used to randomly go into blue screen of death after i wake it up from sleep. on linux it occasionally couldn't wake up at all.
it was an acer laptop, i contacted support and after 2 weeks of exchanges they took it and replaced it with a new one.

i don't know why you keep trying to deal with this shit on your own. it's an expensive laptop so you're clearly not too poor to be able to afford shipping the laptop back.
just get in touch with the store you bought it from. we're a bunch of retards over here. the ones who aren't complete morons are devs and we can't help you with this shit either because we're out of our depth when it comes to low level system components spewing literally-what errors and crashing the system.
I bought it used, no warranties and I'm fukt.
Btw I also get this error and some people have reported that it's related to freezings:

[drm:intel_pipe_update_end [i915]] *ERROR* Atomic update failure on pipe A
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wait a minute, I just checked it out. is it pic related? isn't this laptop from like 2019?
what the hell compels a man into buying 5-6yo laptop? what the fuck.
the price
i'm not gonna lecture you on why you don't buy used gaming laptops, you should already know that and you've accepted the risks.
maybe go ask around on reddit's tech support subs or make good use of AI. /wsr/ clearly can't help here

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