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I have a folder with thousands of FLAC audio files and i know for sure there are many songs are duplicates. They are mostly re-releases with different names, different ID3 tags, slightly different size and etc.
The problem is that many "audio duplicate finder" software only check that to find duplicates: ID3 tags, file names and size, so they don't work in this case.

I am looking for a software that can ANALYZE audio files (mp3/wav/FLAC,etc) and find duplicates.
Any anon has experience with these kind of software?
Use your ears? I mean damn, or just go through them all and keep ONE of each song?

Consider whether you have "hoarder" tendencies
>have a folder with thousands of FLAC audio files
Stop naming your audio songs as 23.flac 23526.flac 7926.flac

You know it is a duplicate song or not when the filename is:
[abba] Dancing Queen (Eurovision 1992).flac
[abba] Dancing Queen (Bern live 2001).flac
[Olivia Newton John] Have You Never Been Mellow.flac
[Olivia Newton John] Have You Never Been Callow {Weird Al Yankovic version}.flac
Op asked a fairly reasonable question and just got stupid answers. If you're downloading all your music there will be slight variations in naming/tagging and it's a bitch to autisticly rename every thing that comes in
If audio duplicate scanning software exists I'd be interested in it myself. I personally sort my fucking mp3s by genre. Sometimes I notice I have the same track sitting in multiple folders, which is fine, maybe, but I'd like to know
You want a program that can magically go through songs and rip out the instrumental pieces perfectly without audio while you're at it?
quick search found:
Audio Dedupe
Audio Comparer
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Has /wsr/ been flooded by redditors trying to be smart.
These "ACKTUALLY you should have done XYZ *tips fedora*" answers offer nothing.
Like this >>1505723 anon said, music comes with different naming conventions. This is specially true when you download entire discographies.

That's exactly the case here.
I downloaded an entire group of composers discography that has over 8000 songs.
Some are arrangements.
Some are "best hit compilations".
Some are "people's favorite's" remaster re-releases.
All with different names/ID3 tagging.
Sometimes I used

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