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Looking for an image similar to pic related. The image I'm searching for image gets posted a lot on 4chan and reddit and has been around for probably nearly a decade, it is posted most often in reference to relationships, dating, and breakups.

The image depicts the physical bodies of two people, presumably a man and woman couple, walking away from one another, while their souls come out of their bodies like ghosts and continue to hold on, remaining in an embrace.

The illustration/painting is done in a sort of psychadelic spiritual style akin to a lot of other "twin flame" inspired art, picture related.

I'm looking for this image in question, I'm sure many of you have seen it, and maybe one of you has the image saved? Better yet, the source of the image?

On another topic, why hasn't anyone done an language/text to image AI model that can do more intelligent google image searches?

Thanks all!

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