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Dear anons,
I’m looking for light-hearted, clever, and wholesome holiday-themed memes to share with a girl I know IRL. She’s more of a wallflower type - quiet, introspective, and a little shy. A couple of important things:

1. Absolutely no vulgar or edgy content (not even borderline).

2. Nothing that screams “boomer humor.”

Bless you all and have a merry Christmas!
>I’m looking for light-hearted, clever, and wholesome holiday-themed memes to share with a girl
TRANSLATION: I need holiday themed content for my monetized site, you do the work for me.
What? Explain how a couple pictures would make Anon some money
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Wtf. Since when can you post videos with sound outside of /wsg/ and /gif/?
since 03/13/17
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>I’m looking for light-hearted, clever, and wholesome holiday-themed memes to share with a girl I know IRL.
Max-effort there OP, "Yo babe, here's some images I didn't make that I had random people find for me because I couldn't be bothered to look for myself... you mean that much to me."
I've never said about this, but I know that eventually, my nephews are gonna stop believing that he's real. but y'know what I want them to believe? that I still think he's real.
it'll be hilarious, and I want them to believe it until the day I perish. to the point that I haven't ever told anyone else about this plan until now.
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Saint Nicholas is a real person idk what you on about who the fuck do you think was at the council of Nicea
the thing is, I want to believe he's real, and so I shall try to.
You retard I'm agreeing with you Santa is a historical figure

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