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where to read the Doraemons online? it's not on amazon. :/ I don't think it's even available anywhere except the printed manga. The Doraemons are basically 7 Doraemon robots that are from different countries.
Doraemon is available online in translated form in various languages.

Mangaupdates lists various groups that have worked on translations for various manga. Going to the translation groups' website is one way to read or download chapters and volumes as well as enquire about the extras and collectibles that come with various manga:

Naughty Stories exist. But NON-naughty stories also exist. Such NON-naughty stories are available via:

Example from above URL is the CGWorld artbook magazine about 3D Doraemon:

Aggregator sites exist where you can read them. Translation group Doremi members founded various sites among which is MangaDex.

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