How do I get Firefox to unblock Cloudflare without having to click the "Get Captcha" button in the post window every time I want to verify?
Are you really so lazy that clicking something is exhausting you?
>>1506509It's actually three things I have to click. I have to click "Reply to Thread", then "Get Captcha", then the checkbox in the captcha box. That's not counting the number of extra clicks I have to do to verify an email every 24h either.
>>1506517>have to click "Reply to Thread", then "Get Captcha", then the checkbox in the captcha box.Those don't count, that's what almost everyone normally has to do anyways to make any post.Also why aren't you using quick reply?>verify an emailLMAO holy shit did you really give 4chan your email address?
>>1506525>Those don't count blah blah blahShut up.>Also why aren't you using quick reply?I am.>LMAO holy shit did you really give 4chan your email address?A throwaway, yes. Do you honestly wait 15 minutes every time your cookies are cleared to post again?
>>1506554>Do you honestly wait 15 minutes every time your cookies are cleared to post again?Click the button, lurk some other boards, eat a sandwich, take a shit, watch TV, ohh wow 20 minutes have passed.
>>150658615 minutes is still a long time to wait, especially so I can reply to insufferable people like you with an axe to grind. Do you know how easy it is to make a throwaway with Proton?>b-but muh anonymityYou only have pseudo-anonymity here. The mods know everyone's IP addresses. That's how websites work
>>1506517>hat's not counting the number of extra clicks I have to do to verify an email every 24h either.>>1506701>Do you know how easy it is to make a throwaway with Proton?so which is it ?
>>1506701>15 minutes is still a long time
>>1506704I don't make a new throwaway every time I want to post. By "throwaway" I mean an unimportant email that I just use for shit like this.
>>1506704Adding onto this: >>1506710I gather we have different definitions of what a "throwaway email" is. To avoid further confusion, what would you call it?
Bump. Does this have something to do with Enhanced Tracking Protection? I have mine set to Strict.
Bumping again.
Giving this another bump.
>>1506851>Does this have something to do with Enhanced Tracking Protection? I have mine set to Strict.Sounds like it might. You could also check if you have privacy.resistFingerprinting or network.http.referer.spoofSource set to true in about:config.
>>1507286Both of those toggles are disabled. Think it'd be possible to make an ETP exception for CloudFlare?
Bump. Does anyone here have knowledge of Firefox's inner workings?
>>1507398Firefox won't save any ETP exceptions that I add. Fuck.
Bump. I forgot to mention I have Firefox set up to clear my cookies on exit.
>>1506506I've never seen your pic before. It works like this for me.
>>1508267OP is talking about some other websites probably.I know I've seen it happened on a few archives.
>>1508267It happens when I go to without clicking the Get Captcha button in a post window and going through the process you just showed.>>1508269See above.
Bumping again. Can't believe it's been two weeks.