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File: apustaja long road.png (47 KB, 1840x948)
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Requesting these images to be animated on a loop clip and used this music in the bg https://youtu.be/7AudYCQsbPA
I want to post them on comfy music thread on /gif/ so include this music too.
asset 1/7
asset 2/7
turn it to parallax background
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Tomorrow i'll do my best
yes please
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Didnt forget you but work got in the way
Aint gonna forget it, but need a few more days .-.
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start time
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hope dis is gud nuff
if not, i am back tomorrow
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Now that i See it rendered, i forgot these curve thingies geht thrown in automatically, gonna fine tune tomorrow its been a long day
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thanks fren I appreciate it. :DD
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guess my tomorrows are a little delayed, hope this is as displayed on my pc otherwise, tomorrow again
>t. time traveler
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Okay, i aint able to do any better sorry but gave it my best
If any other fren can make it more Looping feel free, also tell me how you did
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Too much coffee!
how do you edit them? I'd like try my hands on it.
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for cartoonish effect
the perfect amount of the car rocking and bumping (not the speed tho, it's supposed to be chill)
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the shooting star
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the apu in car i did in gimp, didnt save the xfc to show the layers sorry
the animation itself was rather easy
used blender, layers are build from furthest away (channel 2) to closest (channel 9) as follows
anything else is just keying the position
mountains are copied and layered above each each other but positioned next to each, as one moves around x the other follows
other video editors are easier but my pc is just good nuff for linux
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I forgot channel 8-9 are the car and the smoke
The rattling car and smoke i did just intuitivly (edited amvs for about 3 years and am currently working with gimp for.. 5 years or so, cant describe it much better, i animated something for the first time, its just everything i know/remember put together)
E.g. for this shooting star >>1509419 i would take each frame with it and just choose it by color, its so fast, nobody would see any wrong pixel
oh well I gave up! it's like learning another skill just trying to navigate blender's animation interface.
Gigantic Apustaja

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