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My mother insists on keeping multiple of these plugged into our small house because she likes being drowned in the smell I guess. I just know that these are pure poison and having clouds of this "fragrance" floating around every inch of my house is a severe hazard. Whenever I bring this up to her she starts to have a meltdown and says she can do whatever she wants because it's her house

I just despise chemical scents and she doesn't trust anyone or anything other than the TV. Please help me get through to her, I don't know where to look for information on this. This is torture. I don't want to be a greater victim of chemical warfare than I already am
>My mother
How old are you OP??
Recently turned 20. I'm not renting a place and going broke as my solution, fuck that
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live with mommy, live with mommy rules
I get that, I just want her to help her realize that what she's doing is tangibly harmful and insidious, not only to me but to herself and the rest of my family, not to mention my dog and cat. She's always complaining about how she doesn't feel good and she's always tired and has no motivation to do anything

A person's endocrine health should constantly be a top priority for them, with its priority increasing with every passing day


pour out the liquid and replace it w/ piss jk about the piss just fill it with water and match it with food coloring
Thank you so much. What were your search terms to find these?

I've thought about it but she would realize very quickly and immediately know that it was me. Thx tho
cant hurt to try the house will prob stink like that shit for a year or more after you stop using it anyway
When I was in high school my mom used this shit all the time, hated them.
Would make my eyes water, the kitchen and bathroom smelled like a candle factory.
>I just know that these are pure poison
Source? Or you are just "assuming"?
inhaling aerosolised oil usually isn't good

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