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I need to know how to boot into my old SSD desktop with Windows 10
>2018 laptop dead
>New laptop has second SSD slot, same type of SSD as old one
>Move old one to second slot
>New laptop detects other SSD in BIOS, but booting it brings up Windows error
>Can still access old files through File Explorer

I don't really know where to go from here. I also have a 2 TB HDD that came with my old laptop, but the new laptop doesn't have a spot for it so I'm waiting on a SATA 2.5" cable. I don't know if both need to be present for me to boot up the older SSD. I've never really done this before so I feel like an idiot.
Have you tried booting with the old drive in the primary slot and nothing in the secondary slot?
If you can still access your old files, what's the problem? Why do you need to keep your old windows install?
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I was having issues even getting the SSDs into either slot to begin with. The main SSD is covered with some sort of paper with a thin adhesive that the second slot isn't and has an aluminum covering and heatsink tape on it. I can switch it but I think I should keep that first SSD in that spot so that the adhesive doesn't melt on the other SSD.

By switching slots, wouldn't that simply be a change in drive number? Like slot 1/disk 0 is C:, and slot 2/disk 1 is D:? In that case, would I be able to achieve a similar effect by switching the drive names, like maybe my old SSD is simply not booting up because it expects to be the C: drive in the name?

Anyway, this laptop I'm using now is not a laptop I wanted, but it's one that I'm stuck with using. My 2018 laptop is better than this "2024 gaming laptop" in nearly every way outside of CPU. I'm even kind of pissed off I'm using it because of the circumstances surrounding it, but I haven't been able to use my old laptop for nearly an entire year. I'm seeing files I haven't seen since January 24th of last year. All I want is to be able to boot into my old desktop with everything as it was and to use it while using my new SSD as storage or for work purposes.
I'm bumping this to say that absolutely nothing has worked. I tried >>1508355 and no luck. I tried putting the Windows 10 installation on a microSDXC and it doesn't detect any drives. I tried changing the second SSD to MBR and this changed the error screen but did nothing to fix it. I tried bcdedit /set {bootmgr} displaybootmenu yes and it doesn't show Windows 10 or anything related to my old SSD. If I try to install Windows 10, it will completely format everything and I won't keep any files even though my old SSD had Windows 10 and still has all its folders.

This shouldn't be so hard.
Question: Did you at one point do a fresh install of W10 while having 2 drives active? Im talking about your drives not your current.
>Im talking about your drives not your current.
I meant. I'm talking about your old drives not current.
When I got my old laptop in 2018, it came with Windows 10, a 512 GB SSD, and a 2 TB HDD. I did the whole setup process with both present. I assume you're suggesting that it may have split OS files between the two of them, and is thus unable to boot with only the SSD. There was never a point when my old laptop was active that I removed the HDD, so I can't confirm if the HDD has any necessary files.

The new laptop doesn't have any slots for an HDD, I had to buy a USB to SATA 2.5" cable just to check my HDD. I've tried booting from BIOS with the HDD connected like this, but it doesn't make a difference. I can't even attempt to boot from the HDD, it's simply counted as USB storage.
you would need to repair windows installation first
the old windows install was for different computer - different cpu, different motherboard, no wonder it can't be run in different laptop
but if you can access the files, why do you even need to boot it anyway?
Because I didn't get this new laptop because I wanted it and there's a lot of negative feelings I have towards it. I simply want to boot into my old desktop with everything being in the same spot. How would I go about doing a system repair like this?
try something like https://www.groovypost.com/howto/fix-windows-10-wont-boot-startup-repair-bootrec/
i doubt anyone will spend more time on you than this when your only description of problem is:
>but booting it brings up Windows error
try stuff from https://superuser.com/questions/1471443/pc-with-windows-10-wont-boot-after-cpu-motherboard-change
I've done this before, replacing a ddr3 system with ddr4, so new mobo, ram, cpu, gpu, everything and it worked no problem. The system disk was actually two SSDs in raid0 so I was really surprised that it booted.
This seemed to be doing something up until bootrec /fixboot, and then it said Access is denied. It said there were 0 Window installations detected, but I was booting from the microSDXC with the Windows 10 installation on it and when using diskpart, it didn't list any disks/SSDs other than itself.

I can't even find the UEFI/Legacy options in BIOS.

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