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File: nozawaklk.jpg (17 KB, 300x180)
17 KB
Ryuko from KLK by Nozawa Yukiko. This was originally on her Twitter, and may have been on her Pixiv at some point. Her old handle was 00yukiko on Twitter. I've tried looking through archive.org, and the boorus, but it seems she might have been too small an account then, so when she deleted her art, it was gone. But perhaps there are image dumps from around that time? It was originally posted on Twitter on March 2, 2014.
maybe try exhentai. that place has mystical things
I figured out the original size was like 1000 x 600, but that's about it.

Actually a pretty good idea, but seems to be no dice.
File: 42779034_p6.jpg (118 KB, 1000x600)
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118 KB JPG
Saucenao had the original filename, and palanq.win's /c/ archive had the file.
Gah, I didn’t even realize the source filename showed up there, and I’d decided against looking through /c/ cause I thought it didn’t fit anyway. Thank you very much my man.
I'll say that I don't know where the _p6 shows up, unless you just intuited that it was part of a larger set.
File: p.png (86 KB, 569x140)
86 KB
It's in the hover text for the thumbnail on the right side.
Ah, thank you very much, again.
I love RUko, I dont even know why
been fapping to her for 10+ years
OP why would u even care
I like the artist, and I tend interested in the older works of artists I like, frombefore they become 'big', especially if they see fit to delete a lot of their stuff. Stuff that exists online but is hard to locate is also appealing.

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