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I've heard this electronic song yesterday night on French TV (it was an electronic music programme, don't know the station though) but I am not sure whether the singer was French or not. It at least included some phrases in English that I don't really remember but they were something like "You're not alone" or some non-phrase like that.
What I remember most was the music video: It was a woman monotonously singing, also rather silently and to a pretty monotonous beat, kinda rolling herself on the floor. Countless "naked" male dancers (they weren't really naked, they wore nude underwear if I remember correctly) were jumping from the background to the foreground and into the void (disappearing off the camera). Those countless men were then seen in the final scene dancing all over some office, destroying the papers that were flying all over the place.

I think the name of the song or the artist wasn't really an intelligible word but I'm not too sure about that.

The singer had somewhat of a hairstyle like the one in the pic I attached, but I remember her being slightly more brown.
Maxter - You're Not Alone
Uuuuhm... no. But good memeing.
what do i win??
The song title was NOT "You're not alone", I just think that something like that was part of the lyrics.
watzatsong dot com

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