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File: season.png (199 KB, 850x682)
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199 KB PNG
>Used to listen to chiptune song from game called "Stay Another Season"
>It was on Soundcloud
>Pic related is my own drawing of how I remember the art looking, but more basic and maybe even 8-bit
>Song was uploaded in March 2014 I believe, but was probably removed as it's no longer in my likes

I've searched far and wide but can't find the song or any proof of the game even existing. Maybe it wasn't even a game and the song was made for one of those fake hypothetical games, who knows. I was so desperate to hear it that I finally paid someone to recreate it as best as I could. The actual song sounded a little more tropical, but it should give you a good idea.

You're my last hope /wsr/. Does anyone know anything about this? I just want to hear the original song again because it was so catchy.

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