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File: FB_IMG_1735369153292.jpg (55 KB, 736x720)
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Anyone got a website that still does YT to MP3 conversion? Each of the ones that I were using stopped supporting youtube.

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It's a bit more involved but I use these python scripts through command line:

YTDL let's you download an YT video with the option of MP3 as the output format.

SpotDL is similar but uses a Spotify URL to a track, album or playlist, searches for that on YouTube, and downloads it as an MP3 while embedding Spotify meta data.
My go-to has always been OnlyMP3. no viruses, no bullshit, just some sketchy ads sometimes and even those have died down. just get a youtube link, type "mz" after youtube (so youtubemz) and then it'll convert that shit for you easy peasy.
this one still is faithful to me.

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>Anyone got a website that still does YT to MP3

9XBUDDY does conversions to MP3 but also provides stripped out parts from youtube videos. For example, you can obtain just the caption text. Or the thumbnail pictures used in the video. And of course MP3 only.
Just use JDownloader

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