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I'm gonna be bed bound and drugged up on painkillers for like 2+ weeks soon after my surgery. Anyone got suggestions for chill stuff to read or watch? Probably wont be playing any games and nothing to adrenaline building or scary!
Venture Bros
Frisky Dingo
Peep Show
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What interests do you have?
Picrel is about the development of rocket propellant during the Cold war.
don't do it anon, sex change surgery isn't real, you can't change what you were born
eventually you will come to regret the surgery
it's just an orchiectomy, I'm not getting a full blown sex change (yet at least)
that's same. you'll destroy your endocrine system, will depend on medication until your death, never will be able to have your own kids...
ask yourself how could i have known what type of surgery you are planning and then think for a moment if this isn't God's warning to not go that way
God bless you, I hope you will do the right thing.
I don't get it. Why can't you just chemically castrate yourself? Wouldn't it be much easier, cheaper, less risky?
I didn't produce sperm before so that was god telling me to transition
estrogen injections basically suppress your testosterone to super low levels but I still don't want balls
These aren't OP.
Stock up on Yokohama Kaidashio Kikou. It is super comfy but also makes you think.
Ohh that looks comfy, ty.
ohh no I've been caught

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