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hi, so, i just started reading this manga called firefly wedding last night, and i stayed up ALL NIGHT reading it, and now i'm like, at the end, and i'm going to throw up because it's very very good and i want to cry, and i'm excited the story is wrapping up, but i'm going to have the WORST withdrawals as soon as it's over, i know it. this is like the second time i ever read a romance manga and the first time it was a cozy little slice of life thing that isn't finished so i didn't get such a strong reaction, but this is SO SERIOUS and SO DRAMATIC and i feel sick reading it like the story is doing fucking sick symptoms in my body, so basically.

PLEASE recommend me more. i NEED more. i haven't heard of literally anything other than this one and Mr. Paper Bag is In Love, so if there's any classics i should read or whatever, those are fair game. i'm open to male-protag too but the female protagonist part of this is insanely good and i really would prefer that, i can totally follow all of her thoughts and feelings and her wondering "what's up with that guy, what does he think about me, i don't know" is awesome because when it's the other way around i know everything that the female love interest is feeling and they tell me everything the guy is feeling and it is less exciting. i think it helps when the author is a woman too.

also is there a single best place to read manga for free other than torrenting? thank you. sorry for rambling.
>manga withdrawals
i have nothing else in my life at all
Otoyomegatari is a romance manga about many girls going through different stages of courtship and marriage, though it jumps between male and female characters. You may prefer the more singular focus in Emma, though that too spends more time with the male protagonist. Kaoru Mori is the greatest mangaka of all time, so either is a good choice.

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