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File: 1736353074406.png (30 KB, 3840x2160)
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anyone have a regex filter for reddit filenames?
/g/ and their sqt aren't helping so we do it like this
Can you give some examples of reddit filenames?
>reddit filenames
not OP, but here are a few:
thank you, that's generally what I mean
pictures saved from reddit have a set pattern, same goes for how 4chan saves it images (right now it's 173...... and when the latest number reaches it goes to 174....... I don't remember exactly what it was but it had to do with a certain time system how every image uploaded follows).
the pattern for reddit is always a set amount, but letters and numbers differ. I suck at regex and can never get filters to work otherwise I would do it myself

I want it because every time an OP opens with a reddit filename, it's of zero worth. I hope to filter out such OP's. it's baffling that /g/ isn't helping
Unix timestamp.
yeah that one thanks
>set pattern
Looks like a-z0-9 read right to left: 8ck616yacube1 is a recent filename, while g0ml5v4b5pbe1.png is older, so next would be ....dube1 .... eube1 etc. A month ago they ended in d1.
A general regex would filter too many 12 character names, but maybe just current month?

cool thanks so much
it's actually for /v/, I already have 70 posts filtered at any time so a few more can't hurt
change 10 to 11, I miscounted, they're 13 character names. So, for last two months:

no problem, thanks for the correction.
I've been thinking. for the following months I could just keep going one letter up as in; f1, g1, h1 and so on?
or I could remove the letter+1 combo and just make the 11 into a 12? knowing that I'm gonna filter out a lot more filenames, even filenames not from reddit
It's pretty difficult to filter it out without filtering regular stuff.
Any filter that would catch >>1509039 examples would almost certainly also catch reactionimage3.png also.
We can tell it's pseudorandom gibberish, regex can't.
ah okay I see well I'm already happy with what I have so it's no biggie
You could always use a negative lookahead to ensure the first x characters aren't all alphabetical, so something like this:
I get the explanation but have no idea how the filter works, anyways that's also very appreciated
I'm going to sleep now but I'm grateful for the help

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