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My dreamspace frequently tends to be really hazy and undefined. I want to have more vivid and clear dreams that follow generally rigid storylines.

How can I get these kinds of dreams more consistently and eventually get my brain into the rhythm of having these kinds of dreams nightly

Pic unrel, it's my latest and greatest thrift
That's $25.49 CAD btw
If you can get nicotine patches they can give you incredibly vivid dreams.
Take a multivitamin before you go to bed., nothing that is garnered for ENERGY!! though.
Cool, noted. I heard there are a bunch of positive effects from nicotine itself too

What kind of multivitamin? Why would a miscellaneous multivitamin effect dreaming
I have intense strange dreams when I take Melatonin. But only for the first few nights, after that they go away.

Also when I used to drink heavily (like staying up for several days in a row drinking the entire time) I would have intense dreams. But that's not worth it
>Why would a miscellaneous multivitamin effect dreaming
the stuff with too much b vitamins will just keep you awake, the regular vitamins (and minerals) will replenish your mind

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