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Can someone please help me find a site where I can order pure sodium nitride (at least 90%) and delivers in the US? I've tried searching but can't find anything.
I've never ordered from here but it looks like they will ship to you. What are you doing with this?
aw shit I made a mistake. I'm actually looking for sodium nitrite.
That website seems to have alot of restrictions before allowing an order though.
Will this work for you?

You could always make your own by making some nitric acid then neutralizing with baking soda. You would have to purify it yourself after.
Here is how you make the nitric. Pretty easy just takes time.
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Pretty easy
Don't do it in your house and also you should probably hold your breath.
That's it, help the terrorist get materials.
don't worry it's just for logging out of my minecraft account conveniently
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Look at my beautiful waifu Namonaki. Does she make you want to live?
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too flat imo
this one needs an account to register which I would prefer not to have to use. Doesn't seem to accept protonmail either.
He's trying to commit suicide, this substance is popular in the suicide community because youll go out without having pain or some shit like that

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