How do I shrink mp4 file sizes down to 4chan's 4MB limit? I have some files that weigh 70mb, some 20mb. I have xmedia recode and tried various settings but can't get it down to the absurd size of 4mb. There are some websites online that can do that but they leave a watermark. I know there is a program ffmpeg, but I have no clue how to use it, doesn't help that search engines in this day and age show nothing but worthless garbage results
There's a command line program called ffmpeg that you can use, but if it's too complicated, there's always
VP9 webms can hold more quality at low file sizes. Want a ffmpeg command?
>>1509493Yes but I dont understand at all
>>1509505Do you have ffmpeg installed?
>>1509512Yes ffmpeg-7.1-essentials_buildI have mp4 files that I want to shrink down to 3.99MB basicallyDont care which output format so long as its webm/mp4 with audio
>>1509514ffmpeg -i INPUT -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 0 -crf 30 -c:a libopus -b:a 64k -vf "scale=1280:-2" -speed 0 -lag-in-frames 25 -auto-alt-ref 1 -frame-parallel 0 -tile-columns 6 -quality best -sn -ac 2 -an -y -threads 4 -colorspace bt709 -pix_fmt yuv420p -f webm -pass 1 NULffmpeg -i INPUT -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 0 -crf 30 -c:a libopus -b:a 64k -vf "scale=1280:-2" -speed 0 -lag-in-frames 25 -auto-alt-ref 1 -frame-parallel 0 -tile-columns 6 -quality best -sn -ac 2 -y -threads 4 -colorspace bt709 -pix_fmt yuv420p -f webm -pass 2 OUTPUT.webmThis is a basic command I've used for years. The way you use it is you copy and paste the first one, erase the INPUT, drag the file you want to convert from your file manager to your terminal/cmd window and hit enter.After it's done you hit up arrow to bring up the same command, then erase -an and replace -pass 1 NUL with -pass 2 output.webm(you can put whatever filename you want for the output)However this is not a one size fits all command, here are some ways you can modify it to suit your needsTo trim the video, you can add:-ss hh:mm:ss -to hh:mm:ssanywhere after input and before output, replace the start values and end values accordingly-threads is how many threads ffmpeg will use, 4 is a low value that will reduce workload, slightly increase quality but greatly increase encode time, you can replace the value with 8 or higher-vf "scale=1280:-2" will scale the video to 1280x720, you can change this value-crf value can be increased for lower quality+lower filesize and decreased for higher quality+higher filesize-b:a is the audio quality, I find 64k to be good quality but you can try lowering it for a tiny bit lower size-speed can be increased for faster encode but it will impact quality negatively-quality can be set to good for faster encode but it will impact quality negativelyPlay around with it. I don't know of any way to predict the file size, you just have to test it with different values
>>1509520the output will appear in the directory you're in, by default this is the home folder
>>1509520also you can press q to cancel an encode
>>1509489 youtube-dl in boram/resources with yt-dlp (rename to youtube-dl) and replace ffmpeg with newest version in the same folder to restore youtube functionality.
>>15094934chams doesn't support VP9VP8 only
>>1509575>>1509577Oh ok, so it supports VP9 nowIt didn't used to
>>1509575>>1509577>dont tell him about mp4
>>1509673what's this post supposed to mean?
>>1509681yes, and? the heaviness in bytes, very common thing to say
>>1509578>Oh ok, so it supports VP9 nowsince 2022