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i really do feel that my mother is poisoning me somehow but i don't know how helpful a toxicology report would be. would it show a poison built up in my system?

>>why do you think you're being poisoned
>she used to joke a lot about opening a life insurance policy on me
>even today she had a stint of joking about killing me or hurting me until i told her to fuck off
>she gets huffy and angry when i'm in the kitchen while she's cooking
>for that matter, she no longer asks me to help her cook
>she claims she's eating what she makes but she doesn't eat at the same time as me, and also doesn't eat the leftovers (!!!)
>i feel so awful lately. i am on a few medications but these are related to gerd and stomach issues respectively. specifically though, i only feel so bad after eating her cooking. i can pound through fast food slop and feel fine

>>do you really think your mother would poison you?
yes, 100%. my mother is a narc who would probably love to have a son who got sick right before he was able to leave home for real. i've been working towards this goal for about three years and she has been miserable at the idea of me going
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It would

Depends on the poison.
Some are acute dangerous but in small amounts are disposed of by the body, others accumulate- Thallium for example slowly accumulates since to the body it looks like potassium and therefore gets recycled over and over.
-Stop eating her cooking immediately and start getting your own food
-Get >>1509902
-Set up a hidden camera in the kitchen or something
>probably love to have a son who got sick right before he was able to leave home for real.
Make meals for yourself before she can cook for you. Tell her you need to get used to doing your own cooking. And use it as an opportunity to search through the kitchen for anything that might be poisonous that she could be adding to your food.

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